to promote the health of your teeth weegy. Which one of the following is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation? Iodine Goiter Trace Minerals Fluoride. to promote the health of your teeth weegy

Which one of the following is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation? Iodine Goiter Trace Minerals Fluorideto promote the health of your teeth weegy  Log in for more information

Keep added sugar in your diet to a minimum by making wise food and beverage choices. You may need to change your children's toothbrushes sooner. Chewing produces saliva, which decreases acidity in the mouth and washes away particles of food that lead to decay. She has developed a pattern of _____ on the weekends. Score 1. Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to. Added 306 days ago|1/6/2023 3:56:20 AM. A. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. weegy. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit. salty snacks like popcorn or trail mix. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. User: To promote the health of your teeth which foods should you limit in your diet Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Weegy: Patricia has a habit of going out. Good sources of phosphorus. Promoting Oral Health for Adults. Question. User: According to the centers of disease control and prevention, _____ is the single leading cause of preventable disease in the United States Weegy: Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease, disabilit [ and death in the United States. Score 1. To promote the health of your teeth, which foods should you limit in your diet? O A. What is the role of a dentist? to educate patients on proper dental hygiene to prevent and correct abnormally spaced teeth to promote healthy teeth and gums to diagnose and treat diseases affecting the teeth and gumsCalcium is useful for the growth and development of strong bones and teeth. Divide the time among the upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right teeth — 30 seconds per section. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. The liquid sits in the baby’s mouth, and the teeth are coated with food that helps germs rot the teeth. Milk and peanut butter O D. Leafy greens typically find their way onto any healthy foods list. all of the above . Question. after brushing your teeth at night, only drink milk or 100 percent juice before going to bed. Question. A step you can take to promote oral hygiene is to • A. 7 (9 reviews) Healthy Teeth Word Cards 5. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Weegy: Jordan has been getting sick frequently. one to two five to six three to four. D. Treatment involves 3-4 short visits (30 minutes or less), each a week apart. Comments. To promote the health of your teeth, which foods should you limit in your diet? O A. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, [ and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Weegy: If an astronaut has a mass of 80. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. To promote the health of your teeth, Fruit chews and sports drinks should you limit in your diet. A step you can take to promote oral hygiene is to A. Because you're already amazing. Log in for more information. Vitamin A. User: which one of the following is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation Weegy: Fluoride is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation. Minimizing the Negative Impact of Some Foods. Fruit chews and sports drinksTo promote the health of your teeth, which foods should you limit in your diet? • A. ; Short strokes: Employ. Log in for more information. Weegy: The fat that surrounds the internal organs is visceral fat. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Include dairy, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and water in your diet—they all play a role in your dental health. Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. The lactobacillus bacteria in kefir is thought to inhibit strep mutans (tooth decay causing bacteria). [ One strategy that was a good option was human messengers or foot messengers. f. handwashing and nail O D. Expert Answered. Weegy: You're creating a presentation to promote a new product. Help your child have healthy teeth for life by having a good dental health. The acids eat away at the minerals and enamel of your teeth, exposing them to various kinds of harmful bacteria that can cause tooth decay and loss, cavities, or periodontal disease (which affects your gum tissues). Weegy: "Secondhand" smoke, [ exhaled or emanating from the burning end of a tabacco product is something a no smoker might inhale. Shutterstock. Score . Weegy: To ensure a smooth transfer, the outgoing Incident Commander should provide a transfer of command briefing to. T. Question. S. Score 1. Asked 4/12/2021 5:03:34 PM. C. Updated 252 days. Updated 32 days ago|2/20/2023 4:18:27 AM. Fruit chews and sports drinks. F. In fact, chewing gum can help you improve your oral health. Dental Health for Adults highlights what you—and your dentist—can do to preserve and protect your teeth and gums. Weegy: Vitamins are potent organic compounds that promote growth and maintain life and health. Updated 289. Question. Saliva is released by major and minor salivary glands found throughout your mouth, some of which are microscopic. what food should you limit in your diet in order to promote healthy teeth?. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. H. Score 1. Score 1 User: According to the centers of disease control and prevention, _____ is the single leading cause of preventable disease in the United States Weegy: Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of. Milk and peanut butter O D. Tooth decay can lead to cavities (dental caries), which are holes in your teeth. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. 8525. The bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugars, producing acids that can erode tooth enamel. Because you're already amazing. FROM THE CREATORS OF. Score 1. Minerals function in nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction. Weegy: Ultraviolet light - from the sun and tanning beds damages the structure of your skin. Rating. yeast. Weegy: You may lose your driver's license: If you accumulate too many points on your driving record. When your baby starts to fall asleep, he or she doesn’t swallow so often. Because you're already amazing. environmental • B. Milk and peanut butter O D. Which hygiene practice has both social and health benefits? coloring hair brushing teeth wearing deodorant disposing of toxins. Check with the. A step you can take to promote oral hygiene is to A. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Files have slanting rows of teeth and the teeth on a rasp are. • C. That's a good start. Updated 51 days ago|6/7/2023 11:07:17 AM. Brush teeth thoroughly twice a day and floss daily between the teeth to remove dental plaque. Soy milk and animal crackers D. TRUE. Weegy. D. use a small amount of toothpaste containing calcium. Factors That Protect Teeth from Tooth Decay. If you use a battery-operated or electric toothbrush, follow the package. Weegy: The dimensions of wellness are. d. Here are some general oral hygiene instructions to keep your smile healthy: Brush your teeth at least twice a day. To promote the health of your teeth, which foods should you limit in your diet? O A. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. R. Weegy: If your emotional energy is low, your attitude will likely be more negative. Sticky, dehydrated fruit: Sticky fruits can lead to cavities; opt for fresh fruit instead. Log in for more information. 7171|DarkThrush|Points 46|. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Minerals help maintain acid-base balance, to keep the body pH neutral. A diverse intestinal flora and gut health can have benefits for your teeth. Weegy: Chronic Disease is a long-lasting condition that can be controlled but not cured. Asked 44 minutes 6 seconds ago|2/21/2023 11:54:26 PM. Leafy greens such as kale and spinach also promote oral health. Brush your teeth twice per day and floss daily B. Get an answer. Question. Log in for more information. Weegy: Diverse group of people in your support network provides you with multiple perspectives on the challenges you face. Limit between-meal snacking. Log in for more information. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Rating. To help your children protect their teeth and gums and significantly reduce their risk of getting cavities, teach them to follow these steps: Teach your child how to clean their teeth at least twice a day. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Updated 2 days ago|6/7/2023 11:07:17 AM. Log in for more information. Rating. Score 1. Not Answered. c. Weegy: The dimensions of wellness are. Which one of the following is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation? Fluoride is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Leafy vegetables and other high-fiber foods promote good digestion and healthy cholesterol levels. To promote the health of your teeth, a foods should you limit in your diet are: Fruit chews and sports drinks. Added 47 days ago|9/13/2023 7:46:25 PMWeegy: Product differentiation is the process of developing and promoting the differences between one's products and other similar products. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your. Log in for more information. 1 Answer/Comment. Yogurt and cheese. A step you can take to promote oral hygiene is to A. Sugar and other simple carbs can also put your mouth in. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or. Score 1. [3] Regular cleaning can greatly reduce your chance of gum. 38,003,134. “Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help make your mouth more resistant to advanced gum infections and can surprisingly help your gums heal more quickly during gum. These include: 1. a change in physical ability Weegy: A change in. Asked 17 days ago|2/21/2023 11:50:36 PM. ] Expert answered|Aj25|Points 12284|. Expert answered|Rhed°88|Points 10833|. Gums that bleed easily. Weegy: LIVER produces bile, necessary for digestion of fat. Log in for more information. ADA. - is a true statement about developing a support. Rating. Shop on Amazon. handwashing and nail O D. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Expert answered|Aj25|Points 14888|. Weegy: The mineral that's essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth is calcium. Protein-rich foods, like meat, chicken and eggs. Log in for more information. Expert answered|Rhed°88|Points 10833| Log in for more information. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. To promote the health of your teeth, the foods should you limit in you're diet are: Yogurt and cheese. The choices you make every day go a long way toward better adult health. User: The mineral that’s essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth are Weegy: The mineral that's essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth is calcium. affect only yourself d. Milk and peanut butter O D. Updated 32 days ago|6/6/2023 9:48:28. Expert answered|capslock|Points 18614| Log in for more information. weegy; Answer; Search; More; Help; Account; Feed;. Log in for more information. Weegy: During digestion, the kidneys are responsible for extracting certain minerals and maintaining proper fluid balance. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary,. C. Weegy: On a 50-question test, a student answered 5 questions. f. Log in for more information. Fruit chews and sports drinks B. Log in for more information. Weegy: Painkilling chemicals that occur naturally in the body are known as endorphins. To promote the health of your teeth, which foods should you limit in your diet? O A. 4Eian. Question. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary,. Whenever you're going to be outside for a long time, you should O A. Weegy: Calcium is useful for the growth and development of strong bones and teeth. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Log in for more information. Use a small amount of toothpaste containing calcium C. Weegy: Garlic, whole grains, asparagus, and almonds are all examples of foods that contain Prebiotics. Why. A. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. User: the mineral that's essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth is Weegy: The mineral that's essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth is calcium. personal • C. ; Appropriate angle: Generally, keep your brush at a 45-degree angle to the gums. D. brush your teeth twice per day and floss daily. 1. Difficulty swallowing, also known as dysphagia. use a small amount of toothpaste containing calcium. Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, a foods should you limit in your diet are: Fruit chews and sports drinks. User: The mineral that's essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth is Weegy: The mineral that's essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth is calcium. 7171|DarkThrush|Points 46|. Expert answered|Janet17|Points 52687| Log in for more information. Question. Log in for more information. Question. You’ll find how to address and arrest common gum issues. This may be longer if the job requires strenuous activity. Add an answer or comment. Score 1 User: The legal. Added 3 hours 33 minutes ago|1/6/2023 3:56:20 AM To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Expert answered|labtika|Points 3308|. Fruit chews and sports drinks To promote the health of your teeth, a foods should you limit in your diet are: Fruit chews and sports drinks. Milk and peanut butter O D. These include: 1. Weegy: You can respond quickly to changes in the marketplace is an advantage to owning your own business. Updated 10/14. Weegy: The S. Milk and peanut butter C. Bright red, dark red or dark purple gums. Oral Health Overview. [ Candy and sweets: Sugary foods like candy, chocolates, and desserts can stick to your teeth and create an environment for bacteria to thrive, leading to tooth decay. Oral health is an important and often overlooked healthcare need. weegy. Weegy: If a number is a whole number. Updated 4/12/2021 5:21:10 PM. a change in physical appearance C. Question. T method for setting goals help structure your goals to create a definite action plan for how you can achieve success. Question. S. Which one of the following is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation?. Drink plenty of water (fluoridated tap water wherever possible). Which one of the following is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation? Iodine Trace Minerals Goiter Fluoride Flag Question. User: is useful for the growth and development of strong bones and teeth. A. Which one of the following is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation?. Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, a foods should you limit in your diet are: Fruit chews and sports drinks. • A. 0 Answers/Comments. Which one of the following is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation? Iodine Goiter Trace Minerals Fluoride. 4Eian. Move the brush. Americans have become more aware of good nutrition over the past few decades. 7M. A step you can take to promote oral hygiene is to • A. 0 (3 reviews) Dentist Colouring 5. User: Which one of the following diets is a low in saturated fat (but includes calcium-rich dairy products that have no fat or low fat) and rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables?Weegy: Dash diet is a low in saturated fat (but. Fluoride puts minerals back into teeth that acid has removed. Question. Weegy: Beau would like to change his body composition. 0. Weegy: Thomas took his brother's medication to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; this is considered: prescription drug [ misuse. Milk and peanut butter O D. Food or beverages with fluoride help repair eroded enamel. In. Yogurt and cheese O C. Question. Brush with a plaque-removing fluoride toothpaste. protein. User: Consuming drinks that contain ___ may impact your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. 0 Answers/Comments. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. User: Which of the following effects of smoking is an individual least likely to experience from secondhand smoke? A. Fruit chews and sports drinks B. f. They have been around in some form for thousands of years as a way of showing social status but made their way into mainstream pop culture in the early 1980s. Log in for more information. • B. 3. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Improving Oral Health Literacy. R. Another significant benefit of chewing gum is that it can relieve the discomfort of dry mouth. Log in for more information. Question. Teach your child to brush 2 times a day. Weegy: Thomas took his brother's medication to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; this is considered prescription drug misuse. Weegy: If an astronaut has a mass of 80 kilograms on earth, [ the force of gravity on their body be on the moon will. A low level of saliva production in your glands is a common source of dry mouth and can result from many causes. Goiter D. 4 mg once a week. weegy. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit or avoid foods that are high in sugar and acid. The Oral-B iO features the latest in brushing technology to effectively, yet gently, clean all areas of the mouth including tooth surfaces. use a small amount of toothpaste containing calcium. You might want to switch your coffee habit to a tea habit when you hear about its oral. Soy milk and animal crackers O B. Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Question. Added 31 days ago|7/11/2023 6:31:36 PMTo promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. use a small amount of toothpaste containing calcium. Only share drinking cups and water bottles with family members D. weegy. Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. regular visit with your doctor and dentist C. psychiatrist B. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Weegy: A person who has high cholesterol has a health condition that may require a person to reduce his or her consumption of saturated and trans fats. calcium. They're full of vitamins and minerals while being low in calories. To promote the health of your teeth, which foods should you limit in your diet? O A. FALSE. Label the toothbrush with the baby’s name. 0 Answers/Comments. Once the gums recede, they cannot grow back. Score 1. Question. questions answered. 2/5/2023 12:35:59 AM| 5 Answers. [ Proper nouns include personal names, place names, names of companies and organizations, and the titles of books, films, songs, and other media. Score 1. Question. 7 liters per day; for men, 3. handwashing and nail O D. Score 1 User: the energy thats given to the body by food is Weegy: The energy that's given to the body by food is measured in units called calories. Soy milk and animal crackers D. Whole grain breads, oatmeal, brown rice and pasta. after brushing your teeth at night, only drink milk or 100 percent juice before going to bed. Expert answered|alvinpnglnn|Points 13876| Log in for more information. F. A. tumbler10|Points 80| Log in for more information. New answers. See full list on healthline. Bad breath that won't go away. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit or avoid foods that are high in sugar and acid. Weegy: If a number is a whole number, then it cannot be an irrational number. Milk. personal • C. Plan Using Teeth-Healthy Choices. Milk and peanut butter O D. Floss once a day to maintain proper dental hygiene. Weegy. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. [ Candy and sweets: Sugary foods like candy, chocolates, and desserts can stick to your teeth and create an environment for bacteria to thrive, leading to.